Why customer satisfaction is important?

Customer Satisfaction is what tells you whether your product or service meets or falls short of the customer expectations. It can never be emphasized enough that how important customer satisfaction is. You create a great product, your service is great but somehow your customer is not satisfied. Bad word-of-mouth will greatly hinder your business growth and you will have a lot of difficulties growing your customer base. Without the customer being satisfied, there is a very little or no chance of retention and your profit starts declining rapidly.

How customer experience is affecting the market trend?

It is expected that by 2020, customer experience will be the key factor that will define your product. Consumers are opting for products and solutions with better customer experience. Furthermore, it is discovered that 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. All these stats tell us that there is definitely more profit and growth in focusing more on customer experience and satisfaction.

What it means for Field Service Business?

Growth and success in Field Service business goes hand in hand with customer satisfaction. According to a survey, a loyal customer is 60-70% more likely to buy more services from you. But who is a loyal customer? Well, a loyal customer is someone that gets impressed by your services and has a good experience with it. A customer is made loyal only by meeting or exceeding his/her expectations.

Although, Field Service Business is quite difficult but it is not much difficult to achieve customer satisfaction in it. It can easily be achieved by properly managing everything efficiently and also making all the processes easier. This is where Field Service Management Solutions and Systems play their part.

The features and automation provided by such solutions is what changes the game for Field Service Business. These solutions help in managing all the important processes while saving you time and cost.

How FSM Solutions help achieve customer satisfaction?

There are several features provided by Field Service Management Solutions which help you meet customer expectations with ease. Let’s talk about some of them.

• Easier Call Slip Generation

Checklists can help you boost the efficiency of your sales team by letting you prioritize the tasks that need to be performed and to ensure completeness for carrying out tasks. This can prove really beneficial in reducing the chance of failure to meet the commitment.

• Scheduling and Routing

FSM solutions provide the feature of intelligent scheduling and routing. Tasks are easily assigned to workers through easy to use and user friendly interface which saves a lot of time as compared to manually assigning tasks to each worker by calling them. The routing feature proves to be very beneficial for workers and company both as it saves time for the workers
and fuel cost by providing optimal routes to task field.

• Digital Invoicing

Another great feature that helps to make your customer satisfied, is the digital invoice feature. This feature allows the field worker to create a digital invoice from a mobile device and get an E-signature from the customer. Thanks to this feature, your customer doesn’t have to worry about any paperwork and it saves time for both the customer and the
company. It is a great feature to provide your customer a good service and achieve
customer satisfaction by making it less confusing and time consuming for the customer.

• Customer History

FSM solutions also provide a feature to maintain customer history. This contains all the previous tasks performed for a customer with all the necessary details and customer specific requirements. By maintaining this record, management team knows all the important details about the customer and what are the customer’s specific requirements.

Thanks to the customer service management feature, your client doesn’t have to worry about any paperwork and it saves time for both the customer and the company. It is a great feature to provide your customer a good service and achieve customer satisfaction by making it less confusing and time consuming for the customer.

In other words, you are saving your operational cost by implementing such solution and also growing your business at the same time by meeting customer expectations. It’s a great deal to be able to achieve both goals by just implementing a simple yet effective solution.