Implement a powerful and efficient solution for your farm and agriculture management to increase the efficiency, yield and harvest more profit.

Task Management
Get notified about all important activities and tasks without having to dig into piles of papers and spreadsheets. Intelligently generate schedules, records and workflow.

Statistics and Reports
Check stats and generate reports regarding plantation, breeding and harvesting. Record all information about type and breed of plants and animals. Easier management to save your time.

Contact Management
Maintain vendor and customer contact records whenever you do business with them along with all transaction details. This proves to be helpful when doing business again in the future.

Herd and Crop Management
Record entries about animals and crop fields with easy to use solution. Get information about lease, birth, death, plantation, growth time, harvest time and sales.

Sales Management
Manage your crop records and sales. Schedule and track your sales rep visits to have an insight on your sales progress and achieve more by increasing your work efficiency.
Increase Your Yield and Sales by Effectively Managing Your Tasks
Manage all activities with ease and overcome problems that hinder your progress so that you can grow your business and increase your sales. Track and record all the events on your farm, Manage worker progress and stay in contact with your team at all times to make sure that all milestones are achieved.