Plumbing services in Field Service Management heavily relies on the Field Force or Field Workers. Their work efficiency and productivity greatly affects the total jobs and goals a company can achieve. A good and successful company always has happy, satisfied and motivated workers. They carry out their tasks with full dedication and enthusiasm. But how are companies able to motivate their Field Workers? By providing them good resources and making their tasks easier.
Workforce Management for Plumbing Industry
The use of Field Service Management and Workforce Management solutions help a company increase their productivity and keep their workers motivated at the same time. This is because such a plumbing service software provides features that automate and make many tasks easier to perform. This gives workers some leverage over their tasks and they feel less stressed about completing tasks on time.
Plumbing Inventory Management
A very important role is played by Sales reps in plumbing industry too. Their main role is to take the company’s best products from manufacturers or distributors and sell them to business and industrial establishments, they also have the ability to specify and explain products or demonstrate its application to customers, provide market and sales forecast and update information about product costs and reviews.

Inventory management is a great feature that helps sales reps get their work done easily and efficiently. It streamlines all important tasks and gives them full control over their tasks even when they are on the go, through mobile app. Following are some important inventory management tasks that makes the main role; handling and providing equipment to potential customers, easier:
Adding stock through barcode
Whenever a new shipment arrives with equipment, every single piece of equipment is scanned by a barcode reader that automatically adds it to the inventory of the company. This is a cloud based data storage so this information is easily accessible at all times and anywhere. This takes away the hassle of manually making records of all the equipment that arrives and save a lot of time.
Automated Checking & Notifications for Restocking
Whenever something is retrieved from the inventory, the application automatically checks whether the stock of that specific equipment is low or not. If that equipment is low on stock, an alert is generated to let the management know that this piece of equipment is running low on stock and needs restocking. This feature saves the sales rep from being pitied if the required equipment is not available at the time of need.
Equipment status & health check
Equipment that is re-usable such as toolkits are assigned statuses. This lets the management and sales rep know that whether the equipment is in usable condition, is not available or is defective. With the help of this feature, the sales reps know in advance about all the equipment that might not be in good condition for use and it also prevents any mishaps or delays caused due to damaged equipment.
Equipment Assignment & Tracking
Equipment that is already in the inventory can be assigned to workers or sales rep can request to take the equipment with them for demo purposes. It can also be tracked through the software to know if it is assigned to a worker or contractor for a job and how much time it will take until it comes back and is usable by other workers. This helps in managing the schedules of sales rep visits to industrial establishments when they go for equipment demo. They will be able to know in advance on which day or in how much time a specific piece of equipment will be available to be used for demo.
Inventory Updating
Whenever some equipment returns, its status is updated and it is re-stocked to the inventory. All the details are assigned to the equipment to be checked from the software and these details can contain information that whether this equipment was returned unused or after replacement, why it was returned and who returned it. This information is helpful for sales rep in this way that they can know beforehand if that equipment is re-usable or it has a fault that needs fixing or needs replacement. when they go for equipment demo. They will be able to know in advance on which day or in how much time a specific piece of equipment will be available to be used for demo.
All these features form a great inventory management solution that is very easy to use and is significantly beneficial for the growth of your company’s productivity and efficiency as it helps your sales reps close more deals with customers and bring more value to your service.